Former China Everbright Bank leader sentenced to 12 years, 6 months in prison

Zhang Huayu, former vice president of the China Everbright Bank, was sentenced Friday to 12 years and six months in prison for accepting bribes and abusing his personal influence.

According to

the verdict issued by the Intermediate People's Court of Heze City in east China's Shandong Province, Zhang was also fined 1.3 million yuan (around 181,600 U.S. dollars).

His illicit money and items that have been sealed up or seized will be confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.

The court found that, between February 2001 and September 2021, Zhang took advantage of his various positions in the bank to assist others in coordinating loans, expanding business and employment, and accepted money and valuables worth over 7.73 million yuan in return.

Zhang was also found guilty of taking advantage of his previous positions in the bank to assist others on matters related to loans, credit rating adjustment and employment between January 2019 and November 2021 with the help of other state functionaries. In return, he accepted money and valuables worth over 6.9 million yuan.

The verdict was made in light of various facts, including that Zhang has pleaded guilty, accepted punishment and turned over most of his illegal gains, said the court.