China activates emergency response to flooding

China's Ministry of Water Resources on Thursday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding in three provinces as the Huaihe River braces for its first flood this year.

These provinces include

east China's Jiangsu and Anhui, as well as Henan in central China, according to the ministry.

Due to the recent heavy rain, the water level at the Wangjiaba hydrological station on the upper course of the Huaihe River is forecast to rise to the alert level on Thursday night.

The ministry said that light to moderate rain would linger on the upper course in the coming three days.

It has urged local authorities in the three provinces to ensure timely monitoring and forecasting, make appropriate use of water conservancy projects and intensify the patrolling of levees.

The ministry has also dispatched work teams to Anhui and Henan to provide instructions on flood prevention.

China has a four-tier flood-control emergency response system, with Level I being the most severe response.