Artists donate works celebrating Beijing's Central Axis

A ceremony was hosted at Beijing's Zhengyangmen Gate on Sept 20, where artists donated their works to the Beijing Central Axis Protection Foundation, and a set of postcards was released by

China Post Group.

Artist Liu Yuyi donated his work Splendid Central Axis, an oil painting that takes a bird's-eye view of central Beijing. It measures 7.8 meters in length and 5.6 meters in width, symbolizing the 7.8-kilometer length of the Central Axis and the unity of 56 ethnic groups in China.

Designed based on the oil painting, a set of postcards is released at the ceremony. Li Lianmin, general manager of China Post Group's Beijing commercial letter production center, introduced that 1,000 sets of the postcards are distributed during the first release.

Chen Lihua, curator of China Red Sandalwood Museum, donated her work titled Zhengyangmen Gate of Old Beijing, at the ceremony.

"In the future, China Post will continue to delve into the historical and cultural significance of the Central Axis, from the perspectives of letter and postal culture. We will gradually create postal products unique to Beijing's Central Axis, contributing to the inheritance and dissemination of its culture," Li says.

The foundation also signed strategic cooperation agreements with Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, marketing and technology company BlueFocus, Fuxingzhilu Culture and Art Development Co Ltd, and Zhengjia Charity Foundation, aimed at promoting the culture and history of Beijing's Central Axis.