Chinese youth offers green development solutions

Groups of young Chinese entrepreneurs have actively participated in a three-day event on green development aiming to tackle climate change and protect biodiversity with innovative solutions.

Some 60 youth from 30

start-ups were invited to attend the 5th youth national dialogue held online from Nov. 4 to 6, which was co-hosted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the China Soong Ching Ling Science and Culture Center for Young People and Citibank China Co., Ltd.

The event aimed to encourage young people to leverage technologies and digital skills in response to climate and biodiversity challenges with green, inclusive and sustainable solutions.

It provided the participants with professional mentorship and training in business proposal writing, green economy design, and biological diversity to help them work out inclusive and demand-oriented solutions with potential business viability.

James George, officer-in-charge of UNDP China, believed that young people could be empowered to take control of their lives, develop new skills, and design groundbreaking new concepts and products for the rapidly-changing world through entrepreneurship and innovation.

Over a dozen projects related to green development were introduced by the participants at the event, such as accurate irrigation systems tackling fertilizer abuse and carbon emissions, bio-liquid fuel production, building carbon service platforms and low-carbon communities, as well as sludge treatment and environmental protection.

"We look forward to young people being participants, contributors, and leaders in green and low-carbon life, and part of the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature," said Liu Ning, an official with China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment.