Chinese books introduced to Bulgaria at book fair

Several Bulgarian publishing houses presented a series of Bulgarian version of Chinese books, including "The Book of Songs" which were recently published in Bulgaria, at a special event during the Sofia

International Book Fair.

The event, titled "To Read About China, to Understand China", was organized by China's Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and Confucius Institute in Sofia.

At the event, a list of Chinese books to be published in Bulgaria in 2023 was also unveiled.

FLTRP's President Wang Fang said in a video message that these books aimed to show the real and comprehensive China and help Bulgarian readers to better understand China.

Yan Jianqun, Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria, said that in recent years FLTRP has actively cooperated with the Bulgarian publishing industry, which opened a new window for Bulgarian readers.

At the book fair, a total of more than 500 different kinds of Chinese books were exhibited on the shelves of the FLTRP's booth, covering topics of politics, economics, culture, history, technology and the Chinese language.