Confucius Institute summer camp held in Shenyang

A two-week Confucius Institute summer camp involving students and teachers from two universities in China and Romania concluded last month, marking the first such event in three years at the Shenyang

Jianzhu University in Shenyang, Liaoning province.

The camp started on July 11 and invited 16 students and two teachers from Transilvania University of Brasov, the largest university in the center of Romania.

The camp featured a Chinese culture class, visits to landmarks and even table tennis training classes.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of friendly provincial relations between Liaoning and Brasov.

Xia Baishu, vice-president of Shenyang Jianzhu University, said the summer camp is an important part of the exchanges between the Chinese and Romanian people and also a way to promote the friendship between the two countries. The Confucius Institute Summer Camp will certainly build a bridge to enhance mutual understanding between young people, Xia said.