China calls on Haitian parties to advance political process

A Chinese envoy on Thursday called on the Haitian authorities and various parties and factions to advance the political process in the country.

style="MARGIN: 0px 3px 15px">The political, security and humanitarian crises in Haiti continue to worsen and are eroding the foundations of the state and society, said Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations.

Efforts must be made to continue to advance the political process, he told the Security Council.

The international community and regional countries have repeatedly called for ending the political stalemate. The Caribbean Community and the UN Integrated Office in Haiti have worked tirelessly to that end. However, without a legitimate, effective, and accountable government, it is difficult for any external effort to fundamentally reverse the impasse, he said.

"We hope that the Haitian authorities and the various parties and factions will put the interests of the Haitian people first and take the voices of the international community seriously, adopt a genuine, responsible, and long-term approach, maintain momentum, and create favorable conditions for the advancement of the political process, with a view to reaching consensus on transitional arrangements at an early date and moving toward the goal of free, fair, transparent, and credible elections," said Zhang.

He stressed the need to contain the rampant gang activities.

The atrocities committed by the gangs are horrendous. The security situation in the capital and elsewhere is deteriorating. China supports the international community in taking multiple measures to help the Haitian National Police. China hopes that the Security Council's sanctions regime will play its due role so as to generate real deterrence to the gangs. China urges the United States to effectively strengthen the control of firearms and ammunition and to enhance information sharing and operational coordination with countries in the region, so as to cut off the source of weapons and ammunition for Haitian gangs. China hopes that the UN-authorized multinational police force will be deployed as soon as possible, he said.

Zhang called on the international community to step up efforts to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Haiti.

The economic downturn, the cholera epidemic, food insecurity, unsustainable living conditions, the concerning situation for refugees and migrants, and the disproportionate impact on vulnerable groups such as women and children make the Haitian people see no future or hope. China supports the United Nations and regional partners in increasing humanitarian and development support for Haiti, he said.

The key to solving the issue of Haiti ultimately lies in the hands of the Haitian people. China is ready to work with the international community to support the Haitian people in finding a comprehensive solution that is Haitian-led and Haitian-owned, so that hope can be restored among Haitians and the international community about the future of Haiti, said Zhang.