
Ear篇:1. All ears 洗耳恭听、全神贯注地听,如:I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听;2. Fall on deaf ears 未被理睬、未受重视、充耳不闻;3. Grin from ear to ear 咧着嘴笑、笑逐颜开;4. Play it by ear 随机应变、见机行事;5. Prick up your ears 竖起耳朵仔细听

【身体部位俚语】Brain篇2: 1. Bean brain 白痴、反应迟钝的人;2. have one's brain on a leash 喝醉酒;3. be all brawn and no brains 头脑简单四肢发达;4. be the brains behind something 幕后军师、事情背后出谋划策的人;5. be brain dead 脑瘫了(幽默用语,常形容因疲劳或无聊大脑停止运转)

【身体部位俚语】Brain篇:1. rack your brains 绞尽脑汁;2. brain trust 智囊团;3. brain drain 人才外流; 4. pick your brain 讨教问题; 5. beat someone's brains out 狠狠地打击某人; 6. beat one's brains out (to do sth) 绞尽脑汁/竭尽全力做某事;7. birdbrain 笨蛋、傻瓜、蠢货

【身体部位俚语】Chest篇:1. get sth. off one's chest 把闷在心里的话倾吐出来。2. hope chest 嫁妆箱,即未婚女子为了结婚而专门用来存储衣服等物品的箱子。3. keep/play your cards close to your chest 做事小心谨慎、不动声色。4. Put hair on your chest 比喻某些东西够刺激,让人更爷们儿。

It's up to you 同类表达还有:1. It's your call. 由你决定/这是你的决定。 2. You call the shot. 你说的算。 与How's it going同类的表达:1. How's everything going with u? 2. How are u doing? 3. How are u getting along? 4. How've u been?

【如何表达错误】1)I thought you were someone else. 我以为你是另一个人。 2)I misunderstood what you meant. 我误会你的意思了。 3)I said something I shouldn’t have. 我说了不该说的话。 4)I was wrong. 我错了。 5)I made a mistake. 我犯了一个错误。 6)It’s my fault. 那是我的错

对错误表示歉意:1、It's all my fault. 都是我的错;2、I'm extremely sorry for that. 对于那件事我十分抱歉;3、I really feel bad about that. 我为此感到很抱歉;4、I must apologize for my fault. 我必须为我的过错道歉;5、Excuse me for...对不起...

【各种常见舞蹈英文名称】芭蕾 ballet;街舞 street dance;踢踏舞 tap dance;爵士舞 jazz;肚皮舞 belly dance;交谊舞 ballroom dance;拉丁舞 latin dance;探戈 tango;桑巴 samba;华尔兹 waltz ;草裙舞 hula;伦巴舞 rumba;民族舞 folk dance;脱衣舞 striptease

星座发音集锦1:魔羯座Capricorn['k?prik?:n];水瓶座Aquarius[?'kwε?ri?s];双鱼座Pisces['pisi:z; 'pai-];白羊座Aries['ε?ri:z];金牛座Taurus['t?:r?s];双子座Gemini['d?eminai];
星座发音合集2:巨蟹座Cancer['k?ns?];狮子座Leo['li:?u];处女座Virgo['v?:ɡ?u];天秤座Libra ['laibr?, 'li:-];天蝎座Scorpio['sk?:pi?u];射手
【常见中餐英文名词】炒粉 chow fun;炒面 chow mien;豆浆 Soybean milk;油条 Fried bread stick;水饺 dumplings;春卷 Spring/egg rolls;蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg;刀削面 shaved noodles;拉面 ramen;炒面 fried noodles;挂面 fine dried noodles;凉面 cold noodles in sauce

【各类婚姻相关词汇】premarital sex 婚前性行为;shotgun wedding 奉子成婚;marriage agency/bureau 婚介所;Blind date 相亲;Trial marriage 试婚;Cohabitation 同居;Arranged marriage 包办婚姻;mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻;Forced marriage强迫婚姻;Morganatic marriage门不当户不对的婚姻

【中国功夫】Kung fu 中国功夫;Chinese martial arts 中国武术;families 家;sects 派;schools 門;Basics 基本功;Stances 步法;Meditation 打坐;Eighteen Arms of Wushu 十八般武器;Forms 套路;qigong 气功;external~ 外家拳;internal~ 内家拳;Shadowless Kick 无影脚

【脱口而出的表达(17)】1) I screwed up everything. 我全搞砸了。2) Don't be so hard on yourself. 别太自责了。3) You jerk face.你找个不要脸的东西。 4) He is completely freaking out.他完全崩溃了。 5) I have to stop kidding myself.我不能再自欺欺人了。6)Let me hanld it . 让我来摆平!
7) What's going on? 这是怎么回事? 8) It's not what it looks like. 不是你们看上去的那样。9)Just let it go. 别纠结了. 10)Do u think this is funny? 你觉得这很好笑么? 11)Why are u yelling at me? 你干嘛朝我大喊大叫?

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