Blue Sky rescue team receives warm hospitality from Turkiye

When Bai Haiyan and his companions ate at a restaurant near the airport in Istanbul, Turkiye a few days ago, a local man came to them and offered

to treat them and provide them with accommodation for free after discovering they were there for rescue missions.

"He was very friendly and hospitable," Bai said, adding that things like this had happened from time to time during their 5-day stay in Turkiye, which impressed him.

"Everywhere we went in Turkiye, we met warm Turkish people like the man in the airport, " Bai recalled.

Bai is one of the seven members from the Blue Sky Rescue branch in Baoding, Hebei province. The Blue Sky Rescue is China's largest nongovernmental humanitarian organization.

Members from the Blue Sky Rescue branch in Baoding, Hebei province took a photo together with hospitable locals in Turkiye. [Photo provided to]

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