China's pork prices fall in January

Pork prices in China went down last month, official data showed.

The average pork price index in 16 provincial-level regions tracked by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was 19.89

yuan (about 2.9 U.S. dollars) per kg in January, down 21.4 percent month on month.

The price index dropped 23.8 percent compared with the same period last year, according to the ministry.

The National Development and Reform Commission said last week that it would stockpile 20,000 tonnes of frozen pork to replenish state reserves.

The commission added that it would work with relevant departments to start this year's first stockpiling work for state pork reserves and guide local governments to purchase pork.

China is paying close attention to price changes in the pork market and will continue to strengthen the regulation on production capacity and price to keep the market stable.