Tibetan book added to UNESCO Memory of the World Register

Five versions of the Four Treatises, an ancient medical book on traditional Tibetan medicine, have been inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register at a recent meeting held in

Paris, the Hospital of Tibetan Medicine of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region announced on Thursday.

Compiled from the 8th to the 12th centuries, the Four Treatises is the most fundamental classic of traditional Tibetan medicine and has played an essential role in the dissemination and development of traditional Tibetan medicine.

"It not only represents the highest level of medical care in Tibet in ancient times, but also reflects the study of humanities, history, tradition, literature, art, and craft in the earlier period of Tibet," stated an introduction of the book on UNESCO's website.

Five versions of the ancient book were inscribed on the list, including four xylograph versions and one gold-ink manuscript version.

"The inclusion signals that Tibetan medicine has stepped onto the international stage," said Tsering, president of the hospital.