China's procuratorates report success on public interest litigation cases

Over the past three years, procuratorial organs across China solved more than 365,000 public interest litigation cases involving ecological environment and resources conservation, and food and drug safety, the Supreme People's

Procuratorate (SPP) said at a press conference on Thursday.

Procuratorial organs issued 247,000 pre-litigation procuratorial suggestions and filed 25,000 public interest litigation cases, the SPP said.

On ecological environment and resources conservation, prosecutors focused on cases involving areas such as water pollution, solid waste, household waste and mine tailings. They also targeted illegal acts concerning the hunting of wildlife and the damaging of wildlife habitats.

On food and drug safety, prosecutors mainly focused on the whole process of food production, sales and storage as well as illegalities related to drug safety, according to the SPP.

In July 2020, the SPP launched a campaign to intensify the supervision of the handling of such cases.