Chinese defense ministry slams NATO as 'walking war machine'

A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday slammed NATO as "a walking war machine that causes chaos wherever it goes."

Speaking at a press conference in Beijing, Wu Qian, a spokesperson for

the Ministry of National Defense, made the remarks in response to media queries about the ongoing NATO military exercise, the largest one since the Cold War.

NATO, as a regional military organization, has initiated and taken part in global conflicts since its inception, Wu stated.

Furthermore, he said, in recent years, NATO has constantly expanded toward the Asia-Pacific region, employing the unfounded "China threat" narrative as a pretext for bloc confrontation, and posing a threat to regional security.

Wu urged NATO to stop fabricating lies and taking dangerous actions that cause chaos in the Asia-Pacific region, treat China and the development of the Chinese armed forces objectively and rationally, and do something beneficial to world peace, the spokesperson said.