Happy Chinese New Year 2024 launch ceremony held in Macao

The 2024 Happy Chinese New Year launch ceremony and a concert took place on Saturday at the square in front of the Ruins of St. Paul's, a world heritage in Macao.

Taikonauts at China's space station Tiangong extended New Year's greetings for the Year of Dragon to audience and the global Chinese community via video, and guests and audience illuminated auspicious dragon lanterns, officially launching 2024 Happy Chinese New Year activities.

Following the ceremony, the Macao Orchestra performed classic musical pieces such as Spring Festival Overture, Dance of Spring and Macao Capriccio.

The 2024 Happy Chinese New Year activities include nearly 500 diverse performances in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide, and there will be lantern-lighting events held in nearly 20 countries.